KIS Academics prides itself on having the best tutors in Australia on our website.
We pay them extremely well, give them a lot of resources and keep them super happy so they can enjoy and excel at their jobs.
But sometimes, you might not be happy with a tutor from KIS.
Here's what to do:
1. Talk to the tutor
Tutors are human, like the rest of us! Sometimes they get very busy or stressed or have a lot of other students, and things can go wrong. The first thing you can do if you're not happy with something is talk to the tutor to check if they can make a change to cater for you better.
"Could we please move lessons to another time?"
"Would you be able to start lessons with questions rather than content?"
"Could we please focus on essay structure instead of grammar?"
The tutor-student relationship is like any relationship - it requires good communication and honesty!
2. Contact us
If a tutor is consistently not up to your standard and not being professional, we take it very seriously. We take good care of our tutors and we expect them to take good care of their customers.
If your tutor is:
- repeatedly showing up late to class
- rescheduling classes a lot
- cancelling classes without enough notice
Please reach out to the KIS Academics support team ASAP.
We'll be able to help you out by either talking to the tutor and setting a new set of expectations, pairing you with a new tutor, or whatever else might be the best way to fix the problem.
You can reach out to our support team at or on +61485868009. We usually reply within 24-48 hours.
We treat our tutors really well, but our students are our number 1 priority.